Savoring Life

So the day I got some rather bad news about my dad's cancer was also the day my doctor said, "NO more pasta and bread for you." What? No more comfort food...NOW? There HAS to be a way to fight my cholesterol, feed my family enjoyable meals and still savor the moments we all have together. That's my quest - and this blog will hopefully be my success story unfolding.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

2 months...20 lbs. why can't I drop a pant size??

My clothes are definitely fitting looser, and I've had comments from folks recognizing that I've lost weight. My husband has been very complimentary [in a delicate sort of way - trying not to push, but to be supportive! Poor guy...what a precarious subject!! ; )] And I did need to buy a new pair of jeans...but the ones that fit ended up being the same size I had been wearing. Just felt a little defeating. Not to mention - adding insult to injury: I did drop a bra size! (go figure.)

So what gives? 
Well, I'm pretty sure it has to do with that one element I'm still avoiding...the whole exercise portion of this plan. You know, toning and shaping...tightening and sculpting...yeah, yeah. The results all sound so good - but what those terms mean in reality is devoting huge chunks of my day to monotonous activity which will leave me sweating profusely, gasping for breath and ultimately wincing in pain for days. Pretty close to the definition of "torture" - isn't that what exercise means to you?

 I've been trying to fool myself into burning calories by keeping on the go, even while around the house, and doing more active things with Isa (trust me - there are plenty of playtime activities you can do with a 20 month old that will get your heart rate up!!) In fact, now that Spring may finally be deciding to arrive, she and I are starting to get outside some and even go for little walks [think 6-inch stride, here - but sometimes at a pretty brisk pace, so I do have to move rather quickly to keep up!] ; )

[Manny made me promise not to post this pic to FB, but I just have to share it here. Yes, I was one of those moms who swore I would "never" put my child on a leash...and yes, that is a dog leash around her waist. And NO, I did not tell her to "heal"--but she did clearly learn that there can be freedom in restraint, as you can see by her 'flying' stance. She's having fun! (plus, as one neighbor noted, she's even color coordinated!) :D]

And, of course, there's the yard work - which I somehow don't mind as much as trying to get through a 30-min. workout session. Give me a garden hoe any day over a treadmill.

Hopefully I'm not setting myself up for too much disappointment, but I plan to start digging out the clothes for warmer weather that I boxed up (some before pregnancy!) If I can fit into some of those, I won't even read the sizes - I'll just be happy knowing things are working.
Who needs the validation of the annoying little tag in the back of my pants, anyway? : )

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